DAY 293 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 293 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

My server and BigAdda educate me on the new additions on the blog for the benefit of those of the EF. And I feel duty bound to pass them on to you, in order that the working is explained. Here it is -

Now your EF can filterout comments with your replies.
eg. if I have commented on DAY 286, and if you have also replied to my comment…
If I visit DAY 286 and click the ‘SHOW BIG B’s comment’ link it will show me, my comment and your reply to my comment… and 100s of other comments to which you have replied.

2. EF can now rate a particular comment.. can give thumbs up or thumbs down to any comment.

3. Any one can filter comments as per user names…
eg. I can visit DAY 286 and filter out all comments made by a user called ‘Dinesh’

4. There is a link ‘Click to see activities’ right next to the name of EF members…
if I click this link, it will pull out all comments made by that person across your various posts.

Hopefully this shall increase interactivity among the EF..

Went into the waters of the 3 water masses as part of my act in the film. Exhilarating ! It came about late afternoon on a day that began at 6 am. Streets and little road crossings, eating places and isolated roads formed most of the early morning. There were hardly any watchers or crowds, which was good for filming. But I can imagine the place were Rajnikant to be here instead of me…!!! There was a welcome break of almost 4 hours in between. The sun after 11 am burns your skin off. So everyone huddles away for a quick siesta and lunch and then back to beard and wig and desperate walking..

And back after a day’s work I rummage through my Father’s autobiography and come across quite randomly this -

जहाँ कहीं भी गया कहानी मेरे साथ गई , नहीं ये कोई बात नई

Wherever I went a story went along with me, this is not something that is unknown or new..

And I think this to be not just true for my Father but for his son as well. So living with stories made by media is generational. That’s somewhat reassuring ! Ha !

My ever flowing sms quotes, coming to me in droves drives me to share some with you -

“Knowledge speaks. Wisdom listens.”

“Luck has a peculiar habit of favoring those that don’t depend on it.”

“Give a thousand chances to your enemy to become your friend. But don’t give a single chance to your friend to become your enemy.”

“If Bill Gates stops his business and starts spending his money at Rs 1 crore per day, he can spend it for about 725 years. Crazy fellow. Still working !!”

“No one can make us feel inferior without our consent.”

I liked the last the best. It was strong and self respecting and had great attitude. It was principled and honorable.

You cannot insult me with inferiority unless I allow you to. Why must I feel inferior to anyone. Unless I succumb to the fact that I am inferior, you will not be able to insult me.

Beautiful thought.

It challenges one in a way. It tells us that we are indeed no less than any other unless we ourselves think that we are. It provokes us into believing that we must work towards making ourselves so accomplished that no other can stand before us with superiority. If I am weak and less competent and admit that I am, then any other will make us feel inferior. But if we are strong and capable and believe that we are, then we also believe that we are not inferior to any. Giving our consent weakens us. But if we have the strength of our conviction then we shall remain superior and without the fear of inferior accusation.

So make ourselves strong and resolute. Determined and conscious. We should be able to say ‘we can’, rather than say ‘we may be able to’ or ‘perhaps we can’. There should be no room for doubt and uncertainty.

I like that. And I must start believing in that too. Words are easy to write and express. performing the deed is where the problem comes in.

I learn this from inputs that come from EF. Many of you give such wise and meaningful ideas and suggestions. You are all so blessed with the ability to be able to do that. I value that and am blessed that you associate with me.

I must to bed again for the early call. I must to read scripts to which I need to give consent. I must to think and consider all that I imbibe from my Fathers words. I must express gratitude to the Almighty that I am able to do that. Able to hear my Father virtually as I read him. To gather his wisdom and thought any time that I may want to, even in his absence.

I cherish these moments the most. His voice resounds. He is there in front of me by my side talking animatedly. And I listen. And smile. And nod in great approval.

Amitabh Bachchan
