DAY 291 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 291 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

The 9th was spent in recovering from the jet lag and catching up on the mountains and mountains of paper work stacked up.. in office, at home.. every where.. and.. a million meetings..

Meetings with Producers on set and off set and about to go on set films. Meetings to discuss creatives for the next commercial to be shot for a brand I endorse. Meetings with bigAdda to finalize how to make additions to the blog, to make it more user friendly. This was most interesting.

So… a few things to share.

There had been a huge revolution among the EF on the matter of finding the reply to their comment in an easier fashion. Well, that has now been initiated and up. I am certain many will now be able to get to know through simple technology, when they have received a reply from me.

The other extensive discussion had was on the translation of the blog in several languages of the nation. This took a while. Several interesting points on its functioning and also in its execution were put up and finally concluded. I believe.. and this is just I believe.. that by the 25th or so, the facility should be in operation.

Now… there is a small working snag on this. Most of my writing takes place in the late hours or very late hours. This timing is inconvenient for the translators to work on. So… they will be given 24 hrs to attend to the content before it can be put up. Therefore.. blog of DAY xyz would be in position to read in Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Hindi, Bengali etc ONLY 24 hrs LATER or on DAY xyz(i).. we are working on that and should have a final methodology in place soon.

There is also a lot more being designed for the blog, but perhaps a bit too early to discuss right now.. so we wait.

But it is all very exciting stuff. At least I think so, and hope you do too.

All this while, Abhishek was busy in another part of the office with promotional interviews for DELHI 6 and as soon as that was over we went across to Yash Raj Studio to see ‘Luck By Chance’. Farhan and Ritesh the Producers of the film had been calling Abhishek to come and see it and so we did. Abhishek is working with them in their Production with Abhinav Deo directing. Abhinav is a fresh and young and very dynamic talent. He comes from the Advertising world and from some of the work that he has done, most recently he did one for NIKE, which was sensational ! Also… and this confirms what a small world we live in, he is the son of Ramesh and Seema Deo, who played that wonderful couple in ANAND, with Rajesh Khanna and myself in it, directed by Hrishi Da. Placed them..? Good. He has a brother who is a prominent actor in the Marathi cinema and recently made a very successful film for which I did the voice over in the shape of a commentary…

‘LBC’ was innovative and fresh. Zoya, Farhan’s sister directed it. Its a take on the Hindi Film Industry. The story revolves around a young actor seeking a place in it. Some very relaxed and effortless performances. And all full of young and new talent doing marvelous work. Though I must say Rishi Kapoor, Dimple and some character actors of yore were brilliant.

Some smart trailers were shown before the film started and I could not but marvel at the qualitative change in the making of this generations creativity. Stunning absolutely. And all this coming soon after I had mentioned yesterday on the joy of seeing the young taking bold and definitive strides..

We kept up late discussing the film.. and waiting for Jaya to land back from London.. and to continue with our discussions..

Sleep took over.. there was the travel the next day to prepare for.. and so to bed..

My love

Amitabh Bachchan
