DAY 290 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 290 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

‘Jaan bachi toh lakhon paye, ghar ke buddhu laut ke aaye’

It is a feeling that is unmatched - the feeling of coming home. We could be in the most beautiful locations, among the most desirable living conditions, but home is home and nothing can ever replace it. The familiar faces, the smell, the feel, the order of things, the disorder of things and of course Shanuk, the pet !!

The bright warm sun was most welcoming as I sat basking in its heat after the intense cold, catching up with the paper work of the past so many days. The jet lag hitting a little later got me into bed for a nap after a fairly consummate helping of home cooked food. Good ol’ vegetarian dal, aloo and bhindi. Hadn’t seen all of them for a while. Could sense a grudge as they were being devoured sumptuously..grudge from the aloo, dal.. not me !! Ha !

Your responses are warm and concerned and alluring. I understand your words and your feelings. But I am human and do get into a rushed reaction at times. What disturbed me was the insensitivity towards someone’s Mother. That was intolerable. But it has passed and in good measure …

Abhishek and me came back. Jaya stayed on to be with Aishwarya before she resumes her promotional tour through Paris, Madrid and Berlin for Pink Panther 2. Abhishek will get into promotionals for ‘Delhi 6′ and I shall be heading for the southern most tip of mainland India - Kanya Kumari. Respondent that corrected me in that, do please note the mention of ‘mainland’. The southern most point of India is at the Nicobar Island in the Bay of Bengal and yes this was, as rightly pointed out by respondent a question in KBC, when I was hosting it.

See.. I note things and read the comments and correct myself when wrong.. and a round of applause would not be out of place here.. thank you very much EF !!

Did an interview for DNA, a few days back on the move and it got printed today. So just thought I would let you in on that -


here are the questions i would like to ask you regarding the coveted Crystal awards that you recieved on saturday…

  1. How was the experience?

This was my very visit to Davos and the World Economic Forum. One had heard of the prestige and importance attached to this international forum, but being invited there and to be honoured by their organisation for the prestigious Crystal Award was most humbling.
Davos is a picturesque quaint little town up in the mountains of Switzerland and before WEF came about, may perhaps have been better known for its proximity to the renowned ski resort of Klosters.
The concept of bringing so many important dignitaries from the world of politics and business together at one location and involving them in discussion and comment on world affairs, is indeed most laudable. To debate on conditions past present and future, to share their views in order that the world may be a better place, all bodes very well. In one week, to have the concentrated brain and thinking power of those that matter in the universe is an extremely well designed event.
At a forum such as this, for them to honour an actor from the Indian Film Industry speaks volumes on the importance and relevance they give to my fraternity and to my country. I felt great pride in being a part of WEF, in accepting their recognition to me and most importantly in being an Indian.

2. Did you get to interact with Jet Li? If yes, how was the experience?

Yes I did, although very briefly. He seemed a very humble and down to earth individual. His passion for the Foundation he has founded for the benefit of those in need is most laudatory. In his talks, he gave the horrifying experience of him and his family’s moment in the Maldives during the time of the Tsunami, where clutching his child he had to cling on to a tree to save himself. It was that moment that formed the inspiration of giving back to humanity. For someone who came from very humble and modest beginnings he has made remarkable achievements. His power of communication despite his language barrier is astonishing. He believes in Buddha and the inner strength it gives him in doing so. He gave me his visiting card when we left, which I thought was extremely sweet. I mean, how many celebrities in the world of his standing, carry visiting cards !!

3. We hear you spoke about how art serves as a medium for better global understanding. If you could share a few of those thoughts with us…

To me Cinema has always been, apart from its entertainment value, a medium of great integration. When we enter the darkened hall of a theatre we never ask whether the person sitting next to me is a Hindu or a Muslim, or Sikh or Christian. We are never concerned with the colour of his or her skin. Of being black or white or brown. We watch before us the unfolding of a story, where we laugh together at the jokes, sing their songs together, cry together at the same emotions. There are sadly very few institutions left in this world that can propagate the values of such an event. In a world filling rapidly with hate and violence, perhaps this is one medium that prides itself in bringing together, in integrating people rather than dividing them. The popularity of Indian Cinema within our shores and now increasingly outside, is not just the stars and their physical attraction, is not just the song and dance, is not just the escapist nature of our stories, but the fact that it brings us poetic justice within 3 hours. Poetic justice for most of us, does not come within a lifetime, sometimes several lifetimes. What better example of global understanding can there be, in these strained and uncertain times.

4. Sir, since its Abhishek’s birthday tomorrow, thought would add one or two more questions….What are your wishes for your son on this special day…and what do you think should be his goal for the year?

What do you think a father can wish for his son or daughter ? Happiness, fulfillment, joy, good health and goodness always. I would never like to set goals for another individual. Firstly because I do not have the understanding and acumen of doing so and secondly, I think it would rob from the person his or her individual initiative in setting and achieving his own goals. If I were to set goals for someone else they would contain some of my elements. They would dilute the effort and success of achievement from one that were to set his own. I wish him well and wish him the strength to discover and set his own goals and the ability to achieve them.

5. What are your personal goals and dreams for the year?

To be alive !

Warm regards,

Thank you,
Amitabh Bachchan

Some interesting meetings took place today and it would be premature to speak of them yet, but it is very rewarding to note the changes that are taking place in the fraternity and in the medium. There is a greater sense of wanting to achieve more, to expand to reach out. There is huge interest from the International community. Of realizing the potential and the existent talent in this country, hitherto untapped. Somewhere, earlier in my blogosphere there was mention by me on the reason for this being, the opening up of the economy. On the world looking at India as a whole in different light. Recently too I put it up on a post that unfortunately, got renown for all the wrong reasons - the SlumDog controversy. Pity that the pertinent issue in that post was relegated to a dark background and a mutilated completely out of context matter, was thrown up as a denigrating headline for the sake of good copy by the media.

These are revealing times. The region of our habitat is in a focus never experienced before and no matter what the circumstances of the rest of the world may dictate, the process will not stop. With it, will come greater awareness and progress and development. That cynical myopic view shall be replaced with a certain desire to excel and envelope all that predominates. In all the walks in all directions. And I want to be 20 years younger to be able to witness at length all that unfolds. That was metaphorical. But in reality I feel for the new generation with great expectation and hope and the possibilities that will manifest themselves in the years to come.

Each generation since the birth of time has had similar feeling. But somehow, this generation or the one to come shall experience it faster and quicker. I feel the restlessness in the youth today, coming not from unfulfilled desire or frustration, but from wanting to acquire and gain more. Not materialistic gain. But one of searching for the better solution.

I am enamored by them. And I anxiously await the discoveries that they shall aspire to make. I want to be a part of it. To feel, to touch, to embody all that they bring forth. I lament the possibility of me not being able to be a participant in this glorious adventure. But I try to be awake and fertile to the offerings that may come my way.

It is so in my career. I am at a stage where many suggest and implore that I stop and rest. But how does one do that ? How can you be seeing the sun rise every morning in all its glory and think, or be asked to think, that it is setting ??

Remain with me.. EF.. in every morning of sunrise !!

My love,

Amitabh Bachchan
