DAY 1403 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 1403 Amitabh Bachchan Blog





For those that do not know .. Amul is a very popular diary butter brand, and puts up hoardings all over the country on topics of recent and relevant importance .. they have done several for me throughout my career .. and continue to do so …


The meetings of the morning with the team of doctors be the most trying for the patient. As you await results of their assessment, you wonder what new discovery they may have found that would immerse you in further treatment. But happy to note that they seemed satisfied with the progress and after a few closed door discussions, came back with a few points that would bring relief to any sufferer.

Apart from the physical pain of the surgery, there is now a reduction in most other pains. The ‘central line’ immersed in the neck is a huge bother – it being on the side of the neck – the side I sleep upon. But the period of the dressing of the wound is something one never looks forward to. Taking out the plaster that is stuck to an already abrasive skin and wounded surgery, is worse than the surgery itself. On dressing days at other visits to hospitals during this ‘illustrious’ medical career of mine, I have often asked for a maternity bed that carries two holder rings on either side, to which one can hold on to tight at time of pain, or for the women during delivery. Why that works as a remedy I have never known. The strength deployed on another location could perhaps ease the pain at the real one. I would guess, but that is debatable.

However, those moments passed by and since the wounds, both about 10 cm in length, had healed well, they decided to keep away from any further dressings and indeed suggested that I should attempt to shower in the morning – the water having supposedly no effect. Now that is going to be a rather large experiment chest downwards, for the neck still has the needle immersed deep and will perhaps remain so for some days. Most of the medication is being administered through there.

Also there is indication of increased food intake and to get more mobile. That shall be attempted in the morrow.


Update over, its time to perhaps slide back in bed and follow what I was advised the day before – greater hours of sleep. So sleep it shall be.

I feel drained of all thoughts today. Perhaps the absence of anxiety makes it so. Some of the most valuable works have been accomplished in severe circumstances, or so they say. So one has to be poor in means to be rich in craft ? Not unusual. Most of the world that celebrates success and creative finesse has risen or at least originated from lesser environs. So I keep in tune, I guess. Let me see what tomorrow holds for me, then we shall discuss and comment. Till then …

Love is all that I can give ..

Amitabh Bachchan
