DAY 284 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 284 Amitabh Bachchan Blog


London has never been seen like this according to the news. And as I look out of my window, it is still at it. The flakes they are a falling… and falling fast.

A wise decision was taken early in the morn of Feb 2 and cancellations and adjustments accordingly made. Just as well. Even though traffic was moving, albeit at a very cautious pace, there was no guarantee for flights. Within the hour, news came through that they had been cancelled and airports shut. And here is what it looks like from my window -



So.. we wait for Abhishek to wake up and to give him the news that we shall not be coming in today. He shall be disappointed. But let us see how the morrow holds for us. The storm in snow is predicted for NYC as well tonight, which will be a point to consider travel in that direction at all.

There will now be time to ruminate and read the many scripts that I keep carrying from location to location and never address them. There will be time to perhaps make many more responses to the EF. And there shall be time to rest and repair the wounded back, which, I must say has behaved rather well since the last episode.

Chelsea lost again. To Liverpool. The Steelers won a dramatic Super Bowl. And what a fantastic catch in the closing moments for a touch down victory for them. And Nadal.. !! What a stupendous game at the Australian Open. Some of his recoveries from near impossible angles were just breath taking !!

And thank you all for giving me the link to the Crystal Award ceremony in Davos on YouTube. And for all the congratulatory messages sent to me. I am honored and obliged and deeply grateful.

With the help of a friend I have now successfully learnt how to operate my mobile to the internet and there is a sense of great accomplishment within me. Strange how spirits rise when you pick up a new faculty !!

This internet ‘thingy’ is such a fascinating and delightful world. I have been sitting on it for more than 8 hrs now and still feel I need to do more.. ha..

In honor of those that send me gems of existence with some consistency on my mobile here are a few -

‘As long as u say “Not today”..

Sucess is “Never” yours.

The moment u start saying “Y not Today”,

Success is all “Yours”

‘The first step towards change is awareness, the second step is acceptance’

‘The more we know the less we need to show’

My love with you always - will be back again.. perhaps later today..

Amitabh Bachchan
