DAY 840 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 840 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

सब से पहेले , क्षमा वाचना !

कल रात को नींद से बोझिल ऑंखें हमारे post को public करना भूल गईं और जब मैंने श्याम को देखा तो पता चला की कल हमारा ब्लॉग आप लोगों तक पहुंचा ही नहीं .
जो कष्ट हुआ उसके लिए मै आप सब से क्षमा प्रार्थी हूँ .
इस समय भी ऑंखें बोझिल हो रही हैं , लेकिन नींद से नहीं . ऑंखें बोझिल इस लिए हो रही हैं क्यूंकि कभी कभी श्रद्धा से भी वो बोझिल हो जाती हैं .
अभी अभी मैंने ‘राजनीति’ देखी और किस ख़ूबसूरती से प्रकाश झा ने फिल्म को structure किया है इसे देख कर उनके प्रति श्रद्धा और आदर के सिवाय और कुछ सूझ नहीं रहा है .
भई वाह !!
और मै देखने के बाद बच्चों से बात कर रहा था और उन्हें बता रहा था की भारतीयता और हमारी संस्कृति को छोड़ कर जब भी आप कोई फिल्म बनायेंगे , तो उसे सफलता कभी नहीं मिल पायेगी .
दूसरी बात . परिवार हमारी संस्कृति में बहुत ही अहेम स्थान पे माना जाता है . परिवार , या परिवार संबधी कहानियां जब भी बनेंगी , तो उन्हें सफलता प्राप्त अवश्य होगी .
ये जो हमारा ब्लॉग है , ये एक अपने आप में परिवार है , और यही वजह है की आज 840 दिनों के बाद भी वो जीवित है .
परिवार की महानता और महत्व को हमें कभी भी भूलना नहीं चाहिए .
शेष समाचार साधारण है . नमस्कार !!
Apologies ! And after they are over some more apologies ! The post of last night did not appear because I forgot to press the publish button from Private to Public. This is unpardonable and I felt so stupid when I discovered by the afternoon the error that I had made.
I also felt that the content was very sleep induced and not up to my own desired mark. A comment made by someone also pointed this out in their response and I shall agree with him on this. It is perhaps the fact that I am unable to spend a dedicated peaceful amount of time in punching buttons here, and that it is the reason why the quality is suffering. I need to repair that and I shall.
I am wide awake now, not because I wish to be awake when putting down my thoughts for the day, yes that too, but mainly because I saw “Rajneeti” today and have been so engrossed in the manner in which Prakash Jha its Director structured the film, its story and its execution. I have always believed that Indian culture and ethos has made an indelible mark on the psyche of our masses whenever creativity  has been extended to them via the arts or film. Family and its various forms and combination permutations have always been a strong presence in our stories. We have grown up in the knowledge of the Mahabharat and the Ramayan. There is not a single story structure in the world that does not have elements of these two epics in their content. Every possible human angle present in our lives is so vibrantly inculcated within us through these stories that whenever we have failed we have discovered that we have strayed far away from the basics of this sentiment.
Look at the most successful films the world over and you will find family emotions and poetic justice being the two most important elements in their presentation. We must never ever stray too far from it.
This blog that belongs to our FmXt is an example. It has now become a family. A family that binds us together, keeps us together, laughs and cries together. It is indeed the strongest bond between us. The day this breaks, it shall break us altogether.
Love to all … and especially to my little Navya
Amitabh Bachchan