DAY 842 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 842 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

प्रिय बंधुओं, परिवार के सदस्यों

आज बहुत देर हो गयी है , और जैसा की आप सब ने कई बार मुझसे कहा है की मुझे जल्दी सो जाना चाहिए  , सो मै जल्दी सोने का प्रयत्न कर रहा हूँ .
इसलिए आज का ये हिंदी पोस्ट थोड़ा सा छोटा होगा .
दो दिन से समय भी नहीं मिला है की अपनी दाढ़ी बना सकूँ ! कल इस बात की तो उम्मीद कर ही सकता हूँ की कमसे कम उस्तरा तो चला सकूँ .
दिन भर और बहुत सी बातें होती रहीं जिनका काम से सम्बन्ध था , और जहाँ काम संबधी लोगों  से मुलाकात होती रही .
अब आप लोग सोचेंगे की मै काम सम्बन्धी बातें ही करता रहता हूँ , काम नहीं शुरू करता . लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है .
काम तभी होगा जब काम सम्बन्धी बातें होंगी .
शेष समाचार साधारण है  -
नमस्कार !!
Dearest All ~ family, friends and well wishers,
Time is of the essence tonight. The entire day has been spent in meetings and then some more.
The Hindi text above is not to misguide readers or to subject them to unnecessary strain. It is short and describing the day much as I have done here in English. That I have been meeting people on future projects and that the repeated information of me meeting people for future projects is now beyond stale.
I mention that it has now been 2 days since I have not even had the time to shave and that this is something that I must undertake by the morning sun tomorrow !
There was consternation on the disappearance of the letter or rather the essay written by Navya. That was deliberate. I removed it because of personal reasons. But yes it was cute and warm and cuddly.
Meeting people has always been a rewarding experience. I have found it to be enriching and informative. Some of my meets today comprised of people that belonged to the Industry and our talk was naturally conducted concerning the state of affairs within and without. Some very fascinating aspects of my own profession were on display as I spoke and on many other aspects there was sudden surprise. Disclosing names and facts, details and deliberations would be most unethical and so I shall refrain. But they were most revealing indeed.
But the outcome has been most rewarding in many ways. Sometimes it becomes difficult to take a look within ourselves ; more difficult when someone else points it out to us. But there it is. We all think of ourselves to be without fault. When indeed the fault has lain square within us. Better then to accept it and repair, rather than look for suitable excuses in trying to push it on to another.
I would readily do that if I were to find myself in some similar situation. Many would not !
Many now would want that I rest ; it is late. Many I believe would want that I carry on writing. I shall go with the former !
Good night !
Amitabh Bachchan