DAY 843 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 843 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

जीवन की आपाधापी में , कब वक़्त मिला या कहा माना उसमे क्या बुरा भला . जिस दिन मेरी चेतना जगी मैंने देखा मै खड़ा हुआ हूँ इस मेले में , हर एक यहाँ पर एक भुलावे में भुला हर एक लगा है अपनी अपनी दे ले में . In the rush of life in its hustle and bustle, when did we get the time to sit awhile and think, what we did, say and believed - what was good or what was bad . So said my Father in one of his famous works ~ but truly when did we ever get the time to sit and ponder, whether what we did and say and believed, was worth being good or bad. Who judges us in these moments. Who decides what we did, should have been admired or talked about or believed. What are his qualifications. Why him to pass opinion on us. And if we admit that it is him that should pass opinion, how do we judge whether his assessment is right or wrong. Minds of humans that are the most complex form of all living beings are designed differently. How then that one mind be looked upon as a meter of gauge. As an instrument of decision and definition. Challenge then becomes the ready re-conner for gauge. When opinion shall be challenged, debated and discussed then shall a finality be reached. We look for finality in all that we do, but seldom do we succeed in getting it. Which is why strife was created. We shall be destined to strive for our selves, its circumference of strength, longevity and age will form our exercise. Finding out shall bring about a decision, but will be able to decide finally in what we have gained or achieved ? Thoughts such as these race through ones minds when faced with a situation or an issue. It is the guile of the human brain that shall decipher where what is to give or believe or say. How that guile is formed we do not know. And thank God for that. Not knowing is the mystery that supports our lives. We would all be raving lunatics had it been otherwise, or at worst we would have attained sainthood ! Penetrating the mind of the other is the great exercise that most of us shall encounter. We know ours, what about the other. That search resembles our daily routine during our living days. Do we not all get up each morning to search this most elegant and yet elusive element within this world. I search today for life’s immortal realm It dithers much in catching just its helm Oh ! Lord ! Thou triest all in test and skill This is but deed beyond our will ~ I think I have slept too much within the last two days. It has not been material. I have not logged the number of hours induced in actual slumber, it is the morality of the manner that has invoked me. Slept metaphorically to many a moment. Slept when others were awake. Awake to what swept by, flowed in the currents of time and life. If I have slept too long, then have I missed opportunity, desire, achievement that could have come in natural flow. Having missed that, slept through that, I have allowed the waters to flow past without an attempt to capture envelope and examine them ~ so essential for any decision. Worry not dearest ones, I have not missed opportunity, nor has there been reason to believe that a lot of water has flown by. No. Nothing of the sort. Opportunities do not necessarily come with a completion chart. Waters do not essentially flow past without reason or control. We must garner trust hope and goodwill to encounter such elements of nature. Once grasped, they can only, but only give benefit. Missed, will cause lamentation with distraught written all over the body. Catch time by forelock, say the greats. I have already missed that opportunity. I should have caught time when it was a prelude to midnight. I have still not been able to entertain it past 2 AM !! Perhaps it is time to slumber ! My love to all, in all Amitabh Bachchan