DAY 844 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 844 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

रात के अँधेरे में , बरसात की टिप टिपा ती बूंदों की गीली महक में , मै अमिताभ बच्चन , आप सब देवी देवताओं का स्वागत करता हूँ , और अपने प्रिय मुसलमान भाई बेहेनों को रमादान की शुभ कामनाएं देता हूँ .

इसके इलावा मेरे पास आज कुछ कहेने को नहीं है क्यूंकि दिन भर की हरकतों से मन बहुत उचाट हो गया है . और ऐसा माना गया है की जब मनः स्थिति इस दुविधा से गुज़र रही हो , तो  शांति ! शांति ! शांति ह !!!



On this auspicious occasion of Ramadan, may the Almighty bless us with peace and love. With kindness and harmony. With forbearance and rectitude. And may this extended family be blessed and protected !! Ameen !!

I have spelt the meaning for ETHICS : Every Thing That Is Considered Shrewd !

This I believe has been my theme for the day. Ethics, that have always constituted all that is correct and gracious. Ethics, all that reflects sane cultured process. Ethics, that indescribable feel, abstract but divine in its presence. Ethics of today have been deconstructed and rebuilt into the most unethical representatives of that which is debased degraded and disrespected.

We live in a world of selfish opportunists. Opportunists that have through time and tide exercised power of size and width. Who have exercised their presence not in the kilograms of their weight, but in the weight of their presence. Valued and dignified process be damned. Benefits sought and achieved, move on !

My own ethics preclude me from divulging beyond what limits I believe to be right and just. But that is me. Not everyone can be generalized thus. And so it is left. Disdainfully yes, but free at last from its unbearable burden.

Atone this mind and feel the skin,

Feed it with elements oft akin.

The worsened deeds of faceless men,

Who shift and shimmer again and again.

They are disgraced they follow none,

Behold ! they are considered won.

The touch of flesh betrays their worth,

Their egos now beyond their girth.

Beware ! they slither slide and slip,

Glip glip, glip glip, glip glip, glip glip !!!

Any more and I shall perhaps be involved in a marathon run of unimaginable proportions.

So suffice to say that introspection is a mandatory and preferred action ~

Good night ~

Amitabh Bachchan
